Take a look at the Workshops sponsored by CURCA!


Pathways to Research and Creativity CURCA Panel


CURCA open mic


Recent Events 

Hands-On Data Analysis with R

Workshop participants will explore and analyze 'real data' using R software with expert guidance. No background is needed.  All undergraduate students are welcome!


Need to pull data from a database? You need SQL!

Thurs., March 7, 3-4pm (DOM 252)

Thank you to Dr. Shindi and all attendees.

Thank you for helping us kick off Research and Creativity Week with Poetry Night @Grounded.  Poet Connie Voisine was followed by undergraduate poets. tomlin@nmsu.edu

Downtown at 300 N. Main, 2/20, 6-7pm.



Thank you to participants and presenters at this spring's Research Programs and Fellowships Ice Cream Social! Directors from research programs across NMSU talked about opportunities to gain experience in research and creative activity across fields.  Dr. Orzoff of the Fellowships Office answered questions about fellowships that support these activities here and abroad.

Many of the STEM programs offer financial support to do research in the form of stipends and travel costs; for these students, research is a paying job. All programs offer mentorship, professional development, and life-changing experiences working in your field. Get answers to your questions and practical tips for preparing and applying for these oppportunities at next year's social.  Meet with Dr. M-T for updates in the mean time.





National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRFP) Workshop Series

The 2022 workshop was a four-part series that walked applicants through every stage of the process.  The NSF GRFP is a three-year grant providing students with $34,000/year stipend and $12,000/year tuition for research-based graduate school. For more inforation, email Dr. Megan Papesh (mpapesh@nmsu.edu) and Dr. Abdessattar Abdelkefi (abdu@nmsu.edu).





Workshop: Network Your Way to Research

Are you looking to join a research group, but not sure how to get your foot in the door? Take part in Network Your Way to Research, an interactive workshop designed to help you land a research role on campus!  The 2022 workshop was co-sponsored by the Partnership for the Advancement of Cancer Research and the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creativity.  Hear best practices for networking with faculty and learn more about research opportunities on campus. For more information, contact Dr. Mary Alice Scott at mscott2@nmsu.edu







Getty Images, credit: Chandan Khanna

Congratulations to Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton and the entire NASA-Space X mission to Psyche! 

 The rocket launched from Kennedy Space Center on Friday, Oct. 13, to visit Psyche, a mysterious object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.  Psyche appears to be metal-dense and may be the 150-mile wide core of a shattered planet orbiting our sun. Principal Investigator Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton was last spring's University Speaker. 

 The spacecraft, equipped with high-tech cameras and mapping systems to determine Psyche's composition, will slingshot around Mars in May 2026 and reach the asteroid in July 2029.






Recent Events 

More Campus Workshops for Researchers

Fellowships Workshops with Dr. Orzoff

External fellowships are prestigious, competitive opportunities to go beyond or build on your NMSU education: fully funded programs for research, international study and volunteer work, professional development, or even to earn a graduate degree. Whether you're a freshman, a senior, or anything in-between -- whether you study engineering or art history -- whether you want to learn German or Farsi or Russian -- we've got opportunities for you to explore. All of these programs provide you with mentorship, professional development, and other useful experiences that will help you grow as a student and a global citizen. And we'll be sure to discuss the Honors College International Scholarship, which can send you overseas for summer research or community engagement -- especially now that the pandemic threat is lower and you will be able to travel! Looking forward to seeing all of you! Don't hesitate to reach out with questions if you have them: aorzoff@nmsu.edu

Showcasing Your Research: Avoiding Predatory Journals

How can you tell what’s a credible publication for your research? Is this journal editor offering a legitimate solicitation to publish your article or thesis or is it a scam? This workshop discusses predatory publishing, ways to identify legitimate publishers, resources available to help researchers, and common myths and perceptions surrounding Open Access publications. Avoiding Predatory Journals is the first in the Showcasing Your Research workshop series. These workshops are designed to assist faculty and students with research hurdles in the 21st century. For more information, contact Susan Beck at susabeck@nmsu.edu or David Irvin at dirv@nmsu.edu

Aggie Innovation Space Workshops

The Aggie Innovation Space hosts a workshop series every semester on a variety of topics. These workshops are open to everyone, including students, faculty, and community members. Attend one of their workshops and explore a new skill!

  • 3D Printing
  • Solidworks
  • Python
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • Arduino and Electronics
  • Soldering
  • …and more! 

AIS Workshops are open to all. For more information, follow the AIS on social media or contact Veronica Gurrola at verogurr@nmsu.edu.