Honors Faculty Council 

The Honors Faculty Council is a faculty advisory council composed of the Dean of the Honors College (who serves as ex officio chair), the Associate Dean of the Honors College, one faculty member from each of the academic colleges, and one member from the library faculty (all to be appointed by the Provost with the advice of the relevant Deans).

Meet the Current Honors Council Members 

Opportunities for Faculty

Teach For NMSU Honors 

The Honors College is always interested in recruiting dynamic faculty to teach existing courses or develop new courses. If you love teaching, have a great course idea, and want to teach academically talented students, the Honors College is for you.

Click below to learn more about teaching in the Honors College, or contact the Honors College Dean. 

Sundt Professorship

The Sundt Professorship in the Conroy Honors College is designed to provide select faculty with support to develop and lead an interdisciplinary, and experientially-focused seminar outside the traditional curriculum. This 1-2 year Professorship has two components: the Sundt Honors Professorship and the Sundt Honors Seminar.

Click below to learn more about teaching with a Sundt Professorship. 

Sundt Professorship

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