Contact Us

Do you have questions about honors programs? We would love to hear from you!


Mailing Address

Honors College

P.O. Box 30001, MSC 3HON, Las Cruces, NM 88003


Please click below the name of the person you would like to contact for a direct email link.

Dr. Phame Camarena


Contact me about: 

  • Honors Program
  • What it means to be an Honors student at NMSU
  • Directed/Capstone Research
  • Independent Studies
  • Conroy Honors Program
  • First Year Experience in Honors


Dr. Anne Hubbell

Associate Dean

Contact me about: 

  • Advising regarding Honors courses and programs
  • Contract courses
  • Graduating with an Honors Distinction 
  • Master’s Accelerated Program (MAP)


Leann Moore

Executive Assistant

Contact me about: 

  • General office-related questions
  • Questions regarding scheduling appointments
  • Honors Degree Audit Exceptions (STAR)
  • Registration


Roman Gutierrez

Crimson Scholar Coordinator

Contact me about: 

  • How to Become a Crimson Scholar
  • Crimson Scholar Workstudy
  • Crimson Scholar Status


Dr. Lori Keleher

Director of the Office of National Scholarships and International Education

Contact me about: 

  • Information and support as you apply for prestigious external fellowships 
  • to learn languages
  • to pursue graduate education
  • to spend time abroad and to connect you to amazing career opportunities

Dr. Tracy Miller-Tomlinson

Faculty Fellow for the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity

Contact me about: 

  • Advising on opportunities for undergraduate research and creative activity in your field
  • Present your work at Research and Creative Activity Week (RCW) in the fall
  • Present your work at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Arts Symposium (URCAS) in the spring


Dr. Judith Flores Carmona

Honors Faculty in Residence

Contact me about: 

  • HNRS 336V: Testimonios from the Borderlands
  • HNRS 353V: Justice Without Prejudice

Marko Mohlenhoff

McNair Scholar's Program Director

Contact me about: 

  • McNair Scholarships and Fellowships
  • McNair Summer Internships
  • Questions about Research, Master's, or Doctoral Programs