Honors Courses

The William Conroy Honors College is proud to offer courses at an advanced level, designed by top NMSU faculty to deepen your skills and prepare you to excel in your career.  

View the Honors Course Catalog

Honors By Contract

Up to 6 credits in non-Honors courses may count as upper-level Honors courses through the Honors Contract.  An Honors Contract is a mechanism for adding an “honors dimension” to a course that is not listed as an honors course (HNRS or H class). The class must be in a student's major... and be 300/3000 or above. The contract allows honors students to convert a regular non-honors course into an honors course that counts toward graduation with University Honors. NO VWW classes are allowed as contract classes.
To set up a Honors Contract, speak with the professor in the class you wish to contract and come up with something useful, experiential, and/or transformative for you and/or the class. Remember, Honors classes are not "harder," they are more interactive and engaging.
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Honors Internships & Medical Shadowing

Some honors internships can also qualify for honors credit. There are three different options available for honors practicum internships, which we will help you select based on your degree and interests.

Honors Practicum Experience ▸

Honors Research & Creative Activity Capstones

Learn more about honors capstones.  Students are encouraged to start planning their capstone work during their Junior year. 

Honors Capstones ▸ 

Need to chat about an Honors Course? Use the form below to book a meeting with us!

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