
  • Be a first-generation (neither parent has a Bachelor’s degree) low-income student.

Being a citizen, national or permanent resident of the United States*

GPA Requirements

Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA

Academic Year
Nearing completion of their Sophomore or Junior year.

Read below to see the details of the documents required for a completed application.

*Detailed eligibility criteria can be viewed at the U.S. Department of Education at https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-34/subtitle-B/chapter-VI/part-647/subpart-A/section-647.3

Progam Contact

Marko Mohlenhoff, M.Ed

Director of TRiO McNair Scholars Program

What is the McNair Scholars Program?

Located in the Conroy Honors College, the McNair Scholars Program is one of the federal TRIO programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Through premiere, personalized scholarly activities and services throughout their junior and senior years, our students receive support from our staff and faculty in preparing for, gaining entrance to, and completing doctoral (Ph.D.) programs. We encourage academically talented NMSU students interested in graduate studies and who are first-generation with financial needs, to apply.

Learn more about PhDs – the what, why and how.


Benefits and services participants in the McNair program will receive:

  • Individual scholarly research experience guided/supported by a faculty mentor
  • A summer internship, funded by a stipend
  • Intensive advisement
  • Exclusive, paid-for enrollment in the credit-bearing Engaged Scholars Seminar (Mondays/Wednesdays 4:30-6:00PM)
  • Completion of an Honor’s Certificate that will appear on their transcript
  • Support in researching and applying to graduate/doctoral programs
  • Instruction to prepare them for taking the GRE (Graduate Record Exam)
  • Funding/travel opportunities to visit and explore graduate programs
  • Funding/travel opportunities to attend and present their research at conferences
  • Information and access to funding opportunities, scholarships, fellowships, and McNair-specific graduate school application fee waivers at universities across the nation
  • A sense of belonging from their peers in the NMSU McNair Scholars community and the nationally acclaimed McNair community



We are seeking a limited number of academically strong sophomores and juniors to apply immediately to the program. If you have a student who you feel would be a strong candidate for pursuing graduate doctoral studies, and they may meet the eligibility criteria, please encourage them to apply. If you or the student have any questions, please feel free to email us

Please monitor this page for additional program information and the opening of the student application for the McNair Scholars Program in the days to follow.


To Apply:

Students wishing to apply to be a McNair Scholar will be asked to show: minimum 15 credit hours enrollment in a degree granting program; qualifying as low-income/first-generation.

Completed applications will include:


  • 1

    Application form

  • 2

    Personal statement addressing undergraduate academic experiences, graduate school plans, and research interests

  • 3

    Name and contact information of two academic references (at least one from faculty) who can address the applicant’s motivation, aptitude, and potential participation benefits.

  • 4

    Current 3.0 GPA

  • 5

    Documentation supporting low-income, first-generation.

Whether or not you reach your goals in life depends entirely on how well you prepare for them and how badly you want them.

Ronald McNair

Astronaut and Physicist. The McNair Scholars Program honors Dr. Ronald E. McNair, supporting underrepresented students in their pursuit of doctoral degrees.

Read More


Ronald McNair

Want to know more about the story behind the great person for whom the McNair Scholars Program was founded? 

Learn More Here 


Other Scholars

Hear about the experiences of other McNair Scholars! 

Learn More Here 

Application review for Sophomores / students graduating May 2026 begins April 15th!


Apply Now!