Dr. Judith Flores Carmona


Honors Faculty in Residence

Expertise: Honors, Curriculum and Instruction


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Dr. Judith Flores Carmona

Dr. Judith Flores Carmona



Dr. Judith Flores Carmona is Associate Professor and Faculty Fellow in the Honors College at New Mexico State University. Her areas of specialization include critical pedagogy, critical multicultural education, social justice education, and qualitative research methodologies. Her publications have appeared in Race Ethnicity and EducationEquity and Excellence in Education, the Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, in Educational Forum, and in theInternational Journal of Multicultural Education. 

She has co-authored three books:

  1. Sleeter, C. & Flores Carmona, J. (2017). Un-standardizing curriculum: Multicultural teaching in the standards-based classroom (2nd Edition). Teachers College Press.
  2. Delgado Bernal, D., Burciaga, R., & Flores Carmona, J. (Eds.) (2016). Chicana/Latina testimonios as pedagogical, methodological, and activist approaches to social justice. New York: Routledge.
  3. Flores Carmona, J. & Luschen, K. (Eds). (2014). Crafting critical stories: Toward pedagogies and methodologies of collaboration, inclusion & voice. New York, NY: Peter Lang.