Father Gabriel Rochelle
Adjunct Professor
Expertise: Theology, Biblical Language, Celtic Studies

Father Gabriel Rochelle is the priest of St Anthony of the Desert Orthodox Mission, Las Cruces NM. He holds advanced degrees in theology (M.Div.), literary studies, biblical languages and literature (Th.M., Ph.D.) and Celtic Studies (M.A.). Fr Gabriel has taught in colleges and seminaries for over three decades. He is also currently professor of Biblical Studies at St Sophia Theological Seminary, South Bound Brook NJ. Fr Gabriel served as an editor for several journals and has published many articles, reviews, and nine books (including one translation from German). He has an ongoing broadcast series under the title “Musings from the High Desert” on the online station AncientFaith.com. He is married to Susan Steinhaus and has five adult children who live all over the US and in the Czech Republic.