Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Eta Sigma is a national honor society for college freshmen. Our goal is to encourage and reward academic excellence among first-year college students. It ia the oldest and largest freshman honor society.
Founded at the University of Illinois
370 +
Chapters throughout the United States
1000000 +
Inducted members

Phi Eta Sigma FAQs
All first-year students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 at the close of their first semester or the academic year.
Most chapters have social events, but we are not a social fraternity. Participation in social events is optional.
No, lifetime membership is conferred upon induction.
Your membership fee pays for your academic key or tie tac and your membership certificate. It also pays a portion of the expenses of the local chapter fee for a chance to win a local chapter scholarship. You also receive the national magazine, the FORUM of Phi Eta Sigma.
Phi Eta Sigma awards thirty cash scholarships of $1,000 and thirty-six $6,000 scholarships and awards in national competition. Members that apply for scholarships must be nominated by their chapters. Application forms are available in the Honors office.
Phi Eta Sigma is an outward recognition of your academic accomplishments and is an incentive for a continued high scholarship. It provides you the opportunity to meet freshmen scholars from all academic disciplines. Membership in Phi Eta Sigma identifies you to your employers and graduate schools as a person of superior academic ability and performance.
Phi Eta Sigma Scholarships
All active undergraduate members may apply for the $1,000 cash scholarships. Graduate students may apply for a $6,000 cash scholarship. Application deadline is February 29th.
For an application visit the Honors College Office in the Conroy Honors Building, Room 104 (646-2005), or visit the Phi Eta Sigma Homepage.